Super Bowl XLIV Betting Online at BetUS Sportsbook

It’s time to get your Super Bowl bets down right now in the BetUS online sportsbook.

Super Bowl betting lines figure to change dramatically after the AFC and NFC Wildcard Rounds this weekend.  In fact, Super Bowl odds, depending on how much money is wagered, could change day to day.  It is in the best interest of gamblers to get their bets down ASAP on which teams they like to win this year’s Super Bowl.

Super Bowl Betting

Team With Best Odds:  Green Bay Packers +2000

The Packers have gone 7 and 1 straight-up in their last 8 games and have the 6th ranked offense and 2nd ranked defense in the NFL.

Save for two losses to the Minnesota Vikings, the Packers no doubt would have garnered home field advantage and would be one of the favorites to win the Super Bowl.  Instead, they have to travel to Arizona to take on the Cardinals.  Then, they will probably have to travel to either Dallas, New Orleans or Minnesota to play in the NFC Championship game.

Green Bay is good enough to get there and the odds, 20 to 1 in a 6 team field, are just too good to pass up.

Favorite with Best Odds:  New Orleans Saints +400

The Indianapolis Colts are +275, which are too low for me to lay a wager, but what about the San Diego Chargers at +400?

The Chargers most likely will have to travel to Indy to take on the Colts while the Saints have home field advantage throughout the playoffs.  New Orleans is getting healthy at the right time and coach Sean Payton is going to work around the clock to ensure that his fellas are ready for the divisional playoff and possible NFC Conference Championship game.

The odds, 4 to 1, are still somewhat low in my opinion but out of the favorites, the Saints are the team to really consider for a wager.  Everybody is off the bandwagon which is exactly what should help both the Super Bowl odds and the Saints who are much more comfortable playing as the underdogs than as the favorites. 

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Not Enough Credits Goes To:  Arizona Cardinals at +2000

AZ won the NFC Conference last season and should be considered a bigger contender this season.  They have a tough game out of the box against the Green Bay Packers but if they beat the Packers, then they are solid enough to beat Minnesota, a team that they thumped during the regular season, the Dallas Cowboys, Philadelphia Eagles and New Orleans Saints.

The Cardinals have an advantage over every other team in the playoffs this year.  They’ve already made it to a Super Bowl while other teams have players that have gone but not entire teams.  That experience could really work in the Cardinals favor.  That’s especially true in the NFC where the Vikings, Saints, and Eagles are all relatively new, as cohesive teams, to the playoffs.

Too Much Credit Goes To:  New England Patriots +1100

The Pats only won 2 away games during the regular season and one of those away games was in London where Tampa Bay was considered the “home” team.

Now, New England most likely will have to win 2 games on the road in the playoffs without Wes Welker, QB Tom Brady’s go to guy.  Are you kidding me?

The Patriots have a chance of going down this weekend against the Baltimore Ravens.  11 to 1?  More like 40 to 1 to win the Super Bowl.

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